Williston Basin School District 7 has a new App! Check out the link below for more info
The Policy Committee Meeting scheduled for 8/27/2021 at 2:00 p.m. has been cancelled.
Thank you to our wonderful community for their generous donations!
On Thursday, August 26 at 12 PM, the Return to In-Person Learning Committee met to discuss our current plan. Due to a sharp increase in positive COVID cases, the WBSD7 team will be revisiting the current plan to present clear amendments, revisions, and recommendations to the WBSD7 School Board. More information will be coming.
The 2021-2022 Bus Routes are now available on our website. For specific questions, please contact the Transportation Director at lindsay.kerschion@willistonschools.org, (701)572-1580 ext. 03002, or (701)609-7109.
Coyotes pride! Coyotes pride! We're steppin' up, so step aside! We're the best; we're here to win! Coyote power's here again!
The WHS Varsity Cheerleaders will be hosting a mini-cheer clinic on Saturday, September 18, 2021, from 9:00am to 1:00pm for children ages 4 to 12 at the Missouri Ridge Gym! The cost is $40 (includes a t-shirt and snack, and a halftime performance at the September 24th varsity game.) For more information, please contact: jennifer.lawson@willistonschools.org
WBSD7 wants your input on how they spend their ESSER III dollars. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey:
The After School Program registration is open! This is open to students in grades K-4.
For more information, check out our website https://www.willistonschools.org/page/after-school-program
All WBSD7 #7 buildings will be closed on Wednesday August 11th 2021 to allow our entire staff to participate in the District wide In-service. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The 2021/2022 School Year Open House Schedule for Williston Basin School District 7
Free Meals for Williston Basin School District 7
Attention Williston Basin School District 7 Athletes
PowerSchool is not available for WBSD7 August 6th
Standards Based Learning Q&A at Bakken Elementary Auditorium on August 12th from 6pm to 7pm.
Williston Basin School District #7 Annual Meeting Agenda
Check out the agenda for Monday (6/21) special D7 board meeting here:
WBSD7 Negotiations Committee Agendas for 6/15/2021 and 6/18/2021 are posted:
June 14, 2021 Regular School Board Meeting Agenda is available
The 2021-2022 School Year Calendar is Available!
Free Summer Meals Available from JUNE 2ND to JULY 30TH for Children 18 and Under. Find dates and location on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wpsd1/photos/a.1451959148414775/3103846539892686/