School Safety

We encourage all parents and guardians to review the procedures and protocols in order to be prepared in case of an emergency.

Click the headings in the menu to jump to that section.

WBSD#7 is committed to providing a safe, secure, caring, and respectful learning environment where all community stakeholders work together to promote each student's academic, social, and emotional growth and success.

The District will strengthen school safety measures across schools and the community through continuous training and clear protocols. The District has been working with teachers, administrators, community members, and law enforcement to utilize a comprehensive school safety plan, beginning in August 2019.

Emergency Procedure Manual

The Emergency Procedure Manual (click to view) is a Flipbook accessible in all areas/rooms across the district.

It provides quick-reference guides for all emergency procedures, allowing staff to access and use the information in an easy-to-read format.

Pick-Up Procedures Heading

You will be required to present a valid photo ID when you visit any of our buildings. Raptor is our electronic Visitor Management platform. On your first visit, we will scan your ID and take a current photo. The system checks against known sex offender registries to help keep our kids and our visitors safe!

Please remember to keep your information in PowerSchool up to date, as we will also be using this system to identify who is allowed to pick up a particular student. If a family member, friend, or neighbor will be picking your child up we MUST have their information before we can release the student, for everyone’s safety and liability.

To update your information in PowerSchool, please contact your school's secretary. A list of contact information including phone numbers and email addresses can be found on our About Us page.

7 Safety Tips Drop-offs and pick-up Guidelines as listed below. Graphic shows a school in the background with a crossing guard and students while two cars are driving down the road.

Visitor Policy and Raptor System

Ensuring the safety and security of our students and staff is a top priority at Williston Basin School District #7 (WBSD7). To enhance the protective measures in place, WBSD7 utilizes the Raptor Security System at all WBSD7 schools.

Click the folder below to view more details.

Inclement Weather Heading

View our Weather-Related Decisions page for more details & information regarding weather-related decisions & notifications.

In cases of inclement weather: If school is cancelled or on a delayed start, the Superintendent will make the decision by 5:30 AM that morning.

Families will be notified of any changes to the regular school day schedule by: ParentSquare notifications (to update your notification settings, log in to your ParentSquare account), WBSD7 website Live Feed at, District Social Media Facebook page, and KUMV News.

Read more details on our Weather-Related Decisions page.

Standard Response Protocol Heading

Incident & Emergency Management

WBSD7 utilizes the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to ensure a consistent and clear approach to managing emergency situations. This protocol provides shared language and actions for students, staff, and first responders during any emergency.


Standard Response Protocol: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, Shelter

  • HOLD: Used for short-term situations such as a medical emergency or behavioral incident in the hallway. Students stay in their classrooms, and hallways are kept clear.

  • SECURE: All students and staff are brought inside the building, and doors to the outside are locked. This may be used in response to nearby police activity or other external threats. Alerts will provide updates as we receive them.

  • LOCKDOWN: Implemented for more serious situations where immediate threat is present. Instructions will be given in the alert to ensure everyone's safety.

  • EVACUATE: Used when it is necessary to leave the building, such as a fire or gas leak. Clear instructions will be provided on where to go and how to stay safe.

  • SHELTER: Used for situations requiring students and staff to seek shelter. Alerts will give specific instructions on where and how to stay protected.


  • HOLD: Alerts and messages are not sent for a Hold protocol.

  • SECURE, LOCKDOWN, EVACUATE, & SHELTER: Parents/guardians will be notified via the ParentSquare text/email alert system if any of these protocols are activated. Occasionally, voice messages may also be used. These alerts will include as much information and updates as possible.

Please note that alerts are not intended to alarm but to inform parents/guardians about the situation and the response in place, and the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct helps to explain the vital role that of families during the event of a Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, or Shelter notification. You can find this Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct below.

We are committed to keeping you informed and ensuring the safety of all students and staff.

Below are images that represent actions taken in an Incident according to the SRP. These posters are shared on our walls to ensure that all staff and students are aware of the Standard Response Protocol.

n introduction to the SRP that gives parents the basics in a single handout.

Hold - in your classroom or area	Hold is followed by the Directive: "In Your Room or Area" and is the protocol used when hallways need to be kept clear of occupants. Secure - Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors	Secure is followed by the Directive: "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors" and is the protocol used to safeguard people within the building. Lockdown - Locks, Lights, Out of Sight	Lockdown is followed by "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight" and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place. Evacuate - to a stated location	Evacuate may be followed by a location, and is used to move people from one location to a different location in or out of the building. Shelter - State the hazard and the safety strategy	Shelter and state the Hazard and Safety Strategy for group and self protection.

Spanish SRP

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct Heading

Should an emergency situation arise in our community and/or one of our schools during the school day, we want you to be aware that the schools have prepared to respond effectively and appropriately to such situations. WBSD7's detailed, all-hazards emergency plan (Standard Response Protocol) has been formulated to provide direction to its staff and students during such an incident.

In the event of an emergency, we ask for your collaboration in the following.

  1. Please do not call the school. Telephone lines must be kept available for emergency communication.

  2. Please do not come to the school or wait outside the school unless requested to pick up your child. This is for your safety as well as students, staff, and emergency personnel.

  3. Please do not proceed to any known reunification site until the district has communicated to do so. The Reunification Team needs time to set up and establish the process in order to ensure the safety of every student. Families proceeding to the site during transportation or preparation can impede the process.

  4. In the event of an emergency that requires us to evacuate and relocate, students may be picked up at a designated reunification location by an identified, responsible adult who is included as an emergency contact for the student. Please update emergency contacts at the beginning of every school year.

    1. When authorizing another person to pick up your child, be mindful of the following requirements:

      1. He/she is at least 18 years of age

      2. He/she has a photo ID

      3. He/she is usually available during the day

      4. He/she is known to your child

      5. He/she is aware and able to assume this responsibility

  5. You can expect Williston Basin School District #7 to respond in the following manner:

    1. Send phone call, text message, and email through the ParentSquare alert system.

    2. Information and updates posted on District website homepage, as appropriate

    3. Information and updates posted on District Facebook as appropriate

    4. Weather related emergencies: Information can be found on KUMV TV and KEYZ 660 for further updates

    5. Always refer to District communication sources during any emergency

  6. Please impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of any school personnel in times of an emergency.

We appreciate your collaboration in helping us respond to an emergency situation and providing a safe and healthy learning environment for your student. If you have any questions or require additional information, feel free to contact your child's school.