Technology Department
The Vision of the Williston Basin School District #7 Technology department is to invest in our children's future by providing adequate tools for lifelong learning skills enhanced through effective integration of technology into the kindergarten-12th grade curriculum. Teachers, administrators, and support staff will become more efficient and effective in facilitating and managing the learning environment by using technology as a tool.

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Follow the link below or call the listed number
(701) 713-7490
Internal Extension 04000
Replacement Chargers
We do not sell replacement chargers. If yours is lost or broken, you may purchase one online through our Purchasing Panel or find it on Amazon.
About Our Technology Department
The Williston Basin School District #7's Technology department manages the technology environment for the Williston Basin School District #7's 13 school buildings, administrative buildings, warehouse, and bus barn.
We are a part of a metro fiber network provided by STAGENet which provides Internet connectivity to Williston Basin School District #7 , Williston State College, local political subdivisions, and some state offices in Williston. We have a leased fiber infrastructure connecting our 7 elementary schools, WMSCC, WHS, and administrative buildings.
This network infrastructure provides a redundant 10 gigabit backbone for all schools. The bus barn and warehouse are connected via point-to-point wireless. Our network supports a diverse end user population, including Microsoft Windows PCs, Google Chromebooks, Apple iPad's and Macintosh computers.
We also have a secure wireless network throughout all of our buildings. The wireless network offers a segregated guest network with limited bandwidth. Technology equipment is replaced on a 3-5 year cycle to ensure reliability.