The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan is subject to updates in order to ensure that implementation remains relevant and accurate in accordance with changes within the district.

  • Strategic Plan

  • Enrollment Analysis

  • Attendance Boundaries

  • Longe-Range Facilities Plan

  • School Bond Referendum

  • Community Meetings

WBSD7 Strategic Plan Infographic Our Mission is to inspire and prepare students for the next level of education, work, and life. Academic Engagement, Guaranteed viable curriculum, comprehensive literacy, multi-tiered system of support, professional learning communities. Innovation: career and technical education, technology, and long term innovation plan. School Culture: Social-emotional learning, student voices, safe schools, staff culture, community engagement, increase athletic and activities participation. Resource Management: Master Facilities plan, long term financial planning, and human resources. Our vision is to foster student growth and build trusting partnerships between students, staff, family, and community. An education at WBSD 7 will support our student's intellectual, social, and emotional growth. We will provide students with an innovative curriculum supported by various co-curriculuar activities. The outcome of our efforts will empower students to make a difference in their community and world

Strategic Plan

Enrollment Analysis

Attendance Boundaries

Our Boundary-Setting webpage provides more information on the process and ways to be involved.

Long Range Facilities Plan

School Bond Referendum

Community Meetings

Please visit our Community Meetings webpage for more information.