
Williston Basin School District #7 recognizes the importance of children receiving necessary immunizations to maintain the health of themselves, and others.

North Dakota Century Code 23-07-17 mandates all students in kindergarten through 12th grade meet a minimum number of required immunizations prior to school entrance, and each school is responsible for excluding non-compliant students after October 1st each year.

You can submit Immunization Records to

There are currently no upcoming scheduled Immunization Clinics.

Immunization Requirements. Vaccine type: DTaP/DTP/DT/Tdap/Td. 5 doses for k-6th grade, 7th to 10th grade, and 11th to 12th grade. Hepatitis B doses, 3 for K-6th grade, 7-10th grade, and 11-th to 12th. IPV/OPV doses 4 for K-6th, 4 for 7th to 10th grade, 4 for 11th to 12th grade. MMR Vaccine doses. 2 for K-6th grade, 2 for 7th to 10th grade, 2 for 11th to 12th grade.  Varicella (Chickenpox) doses: 2 for K-6th grade, 2 for 7th to 10th grade, and 2 for 11th to 12th grade. Meningoccal doses, 0 for K-6th grade, 1 for 7th - 10th grade, 2 for 11th to 12th grade. Tdap doses, 0 for K-6th grade, 1 for 7t to 10th grade, 1 for 11th to 12th grade.

Other Information

Immunization Requirements - Letters from Upper Missouri District Health:

2024-2025 School Immunization Requirements (ENGLISH)

2024-2025 School Immunization Requirements (SPANISH)

Immunization Requirements "Parent-Friendly" version shown on page

UMDHU Immunization Consent Form (ENGLISH)

UMDHU Immunization Consent Form (SPANISH)

North Dakota Department of Health

For any questions related to immunizations, please contact our Director of Nursing:

Lynn Douglas

(701)572-0967 ext. 11573

For a Certificate of Immunization (exempt form), please contact:

Upper Missouri District Health Unit

110 West Broadway

Williston, ND 58801