Close-Up is hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, 1/16 from 9:00am - 12:00pm. All donations will go towards the students' trip to Washington D.C.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Close-Up Pancake Breakfast
Coyote Country! Update! The Boys Basketball game that was scheduled for today at Minot High School has been rescheduled to tomorrow at Minot. 1:00 9A Boys v Minot @ Central Campus 2:30 9B Boys v Minot @ Central Campus 1:00 10 Boys v Minot @ Magic City Campus 2:45 JV Boys v Minot @ Magic City Campus 4:30 V Boys v Minot @ Magic City Campus
about 3 years ago, Del Easton
Boys Basketball Update
We would like to remind families of the policies we are following per our Return to In-Person Learning Plan related to COVID-19 positive individuals: Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis ISOLATE: Stay home and away from others for at least 10 days after symptom onset and be fever free for 24 hours (without the use of medications) and have improvements in symptoms. If asymptomatic (without symptoms) isolate for 10 days beginning on test date. If you have COVID-19, you must self-isolate regardless of vaccination status, previous infection, or lack of symptoms. Recently the CDC updated their COVID guidelines for isolation time for positive individuals, however, at our recent school board meeting, it was decided we would continue with our current plan. For more information and to read the plan, please visit our District Website
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
COVID-19 Reminder
This week's COVID Report Card is available on our district website.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
1/12/2022 COVID Report Card
A message from our Athletic Department: Effective immediately, we are going to pause all high school wrestling practices and duals until January 18. We will not be participating in the Miles City Tournament or Sidney Tournament. We are taking this time to try and mitigate the continuing spread of illness that we are currently facing. We do not like doing this, but we feel this in our best interest to keep our wrestlers healthy and allow us to participate in the Fargo Metro Duals next weekend. We have opened a testing window for your student athlete to be tested, if you would like that opportunity. The testing window is today, January 12, from 2-4 pm. To utilize this, you must have a parent/guardian register the athlete using this link: If you have any further questions regarding testing, please email Lynn Douglas at
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Congratulations to Ann Arnson, graduate of Del Easton! 🎓
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
DEAS Ann Arnson
The Coyote Social Emotional Advisory Committee is meeting today, 1/11/2022 at 4:30 p.m. Agenda Link:
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Coyote SEL Meeting 1/11/2022
With the unfortunate increase in violence, threats, cyberbullying, and disruptive social media “challenges” in schools throughout the country, the Williston Basin School District #7 would like to take a moment to remind families and students that our District takes a zero-tolerance approach to any misconduct of this nature. Please see the attached notice from the Interim Superintendent, Lori Olson, and the Director of Student Services, Wyndy McGinley.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Zero Tolerance Approach
CANCELLATION: Due to flight cancellations, our guest speaker Sgt. Rich has been cancelled this week. We will be rescheduling him for a later date and will communicate that as soon as we have that information.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Always Connected Cancelled
Williston Basin School District #7 is proud to partner with CHI St. Alexius Health Williston for our Partners in Health Program. Our Partners in Health Program will provide WBSD7 with opportunities to provide beneficial resources including expert reviewed health articles and blog posts, Staff Wellness Days, informational forums, and more. Our first featured article is "Gather Around for the Benefits of Family Dinner." Did you know that having a regular family dinner can result in higher grade point averages and self-esteem for children and teens? For this article and more, check out our Partners in Health page:
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Partners in Health
Regular School Board Meeting Monday, January 10, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. Agenda Link:
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Regular School Board Meeting 1/10/2022
2022 UND College of Engineering and Mines STEM Camp for incoming 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students runs from June 20-25, 2022. *Maximum of 20 students from Williston *Everything is FREE thanks to sponsors *Free transportation to/from Williston For more information, contact Gwen Klawon at (701)777-3390 or
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
UND High School STEM Camp
WBSD#7 Parents, Please join us this Monday, January 10th, at Williston High School at 7pm for a Workshop on Cyber Safety and Security. At this high energy, fast paced presentation you will learn about every app, how to monitor your child’s activity and see real time how to navigate the most popular social media apps. Sgt. Rich has spoken to over 1 million people worldwide and has been featured on NBC, FOX, CNN and Good Morning America! For more info, check out
about 3 years ago, WBSD#7
Cyber Security
This week's COVID-19 Report Card is now available on our District Website.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
1/5/2022 COVID Report Card
Our phone lines are currently down at Missouri Ridge, Garden Valley, Round Prairie, WHS, and the Education Office. If you need to reach any of these schools, please contact our district office (701)572-1580. Thank you for your understanding.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Phones Down
Mr. Mehlhoff kicked off second semester by reviewing important information (and some stories about bats in the halls🦇 ) with all of his students at Bakken Elementary so they can have the best semester ever!
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Mr. Mehlhoff talking to students
SRP Protocol
Standards Based Learning Information
The Building & Grounds Committee will be meeting on Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Agenda Link:
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Building & Grounds Meeting 1/6/2022
The Return to In-Person Learning Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. Agenda Link:
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Return to In-Person Meeting 1/5/2022
School is back in session, and winter is in full swing with temperatures ranging anywhere from 35*F to -27*F in the next 10 days. Remember elementary students still go outside for recess until temperatures reach -10*F. If you are in need of winter gear for sizes 4T and up, please contact Allison Stensland at (701)572-1580 or
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Free Winter Gear
Reminder: Sign up now to attend the stakeholder input meetings that Ray & Associates, Inc. will be holding on January 18th & 19th to get feedback on what YOU want in the next superintendent of Williston Basin School District #7. To see the dates and times, and to RSVP to a meeting, please visit our Superintendent Search page of our website: Responses will close at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, January 7, 2022.
about 3 years ago, WBSD7
Superintendent Search Input Meetings