Williston Basin School District #7 is proud to announce our partnership with CHI St. Alexius Health for our Partners In Health Program.
Together, we are stronger. Our students, our faculty, our families, and our community. Our Partners In Health Program provides WBSD#7 with an opportunity to provide beneficial resources to our WBSD#7 community.
Stay informed with our monthly Featured Articles! Our partnership includes access to a wide range of custom, expert reviewed, educational articles for our students and their families. These articles have been crafted to coincide with our District Wide monthly SEL topics and other monthly nationally recognized wellness topics.
We will be working closely with our Partners in Health to review feedback that we receive from our Community Input Survey (see link to survey below). With the information we gather from our WBSD#7 Community we will then have the opportunity to host different Informational Wellness Events for our students, families, our teachers, and our staff related to the topics requested in our survey feedback.
Other exciting opportunities that come with this partnership are Staff Wellness Days, Educational Material for special in class learning days and many other Health and Wellness related opportunities.