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Facilities & Infrastructure

2023-2024 Annual Report

secure vestibules

Facilities & Infrastructure

Our district is committed to safe, modern learning environments through facility improvements, essential upgrades, and the addition of a new elementary school. We prioritize infrastructure that supports growth, safety, and educational excellence for our students and community.

Safety & Security

Safety is our top priority, and last year we implemented several initiatives to further enhance the safety of our students and staff.

Double Secure Vestibule Entry System: We’ve implemented a districtwide double secure vestibule entry system at all schools, adding a crucial layer of safety by controlling and monitoring building access.

Raptor Security System: The district now uses the Raptor Security System, which enhances our ability to track and manage visitors, ensuring safer campuses for students and staff.

Enhanced Security Cameras: All K-12 schools are equipped with upgraded security cameras, allowing for more comprehensive surveillance and heightened campus safety.

Safety Cameras on Buses: We’ve installed safety cameras on all school buses, providing an added measure of security during student transportation.

School Security Positions: Dedicated security roles have been established at both the middle and high school campuses to proactively address safety concerns and maintain secure environments. School Resource Officers from the Williams County Sheriff’s Department and Williston Police Department continue to serve our elementary schools, providing essential safety support.

school resource officers

Maintenance & Planning

Ongoing maintenance and facility improvements ensure our schools remain safe, functional, and conducive to learning. While many of our buildings are aging and require HVAC replacements, and over 50% of our elementary classroom space relies on portable classrooms, we strive to maximize the potential of our existing resources. Our dedication to these enhancements reflects our commitment to providing modern, well-maintained environments that support the educational experience for all students and staff.

Ongoing Facility Enhancements: Our commitment to maintaining safe and functional learning environments includes regular facility improvements across the district, ensuring that all schools remain up to standard.

Capital Projects & Deferred Maintenance Plan: We have developed and implemented a comprehensive *Long-Term Facilities Plan, aligning district infrastructure upgrades with future growth and facility needs.

For the most up-to-date report, please refer to the *Capital Projects presentation from the March 25, 2024, board meeting for detailed information.

*Links for referenced documents found on the final section of this report

2024 School Bond Referendum

In April 2024, with an impressive 66% approval, voters passed a $35 million bond to help fund the construction of a new elementary school for Williston Basin School District #7. We are incredibly grateful for the community’s strong support!

Located at 1316 33rd St W in Williston Square, the school project has an estimated cost of $53.9 million, with a project budget of $55 million. The district will contribute $20 million, or 36%, from District Building Funds.

2024 bond and new elementary school

Designed to serve PreK through Grade 5, the new school will feature a Special Education Suite, gymnasiums, a STEAM lab, and a media center. Additional facilities include a kitchen and cafeteria, administrative offices, and dedicated music rooms to support a well-rounded student experience. JLG Architects leads the architectural design, with JE Dunn managing construction.

Groundbreaking is scheduled for late September to early October 2024, with the school set to open in fall 2026. Once opened, the new school will allow all 5th grade students to be housed in the elementary schools rather than attending Williston Middle School Central Campus.

Key decision-making groups guiding this project include a Leadership Group of District Administrators and Construction Professionals, a Steering Committee of Program Leaders and Community Representatives, and specialized User Groups representing essential programs for the new school. We’re thrilled to see this vision come to life and look forward to welcoming future generations to this state-of-the-art facility.