

Introduction to Aviation


Aviation Technology I             


Aviation Technology II   


Introduction to Aviation                                                                
Credits: 1 per year
Grades:  9-10
Description:    An introduction to careers in aviation. This course explores the basics of flying, mechanics, and available jobs in the aviation industry.

Aviation Technology I
Credits: 1 per year
Grades:  10-12
Description:  Students are provided with an understanding of the science of flight and include the history and possible career paths within the aviation industry. Aviation covers physics, the relationships of weight and balance, principles of navigation and flight control, ground and airport operations and services, and Federal Aviation Administration regulations.

Aviation Technology II|
2 per year
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: Aviation Technology I
Description:  Students will be prepared to pass the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) private pilot verbal exam. Work more on aircraft construction and engineering. Get into instrument flying.