Automotive Technology


Introduction to Mechanics


Automotive Technology I 


Automotive Technology II


Introduction to Mechanics
Credits: 1 per year
Grades: 9-10
Prerequisites: None
Description: This course provides a foundation in automotive technology, covering the eight areas of NATEF standardized programming: Suspension and Steering, Brakes, Electrical/Electronic Systems, Heating and Air Conditioning, and Engine Performance. Students will gain hands-on experience while exploring career opportunities in the automotive and diesel industries. This course serves as a stepping stone for further studies in auto or diesel technology.

Automotive Technology I
Credits: 2 per year
Grades: 11
Description: The General Service Technology program begins with an orientation to the eight areas of NATEF standardized programming – engine repair, automatic transmissions, manual drive, suspension and steering, brakes, electrical/electronic systems, heating and air conditioning and engine performance. This is a sequential course and is a prerequisite to Automotive General Service Technology II.

Automotive Technology II
Credits: 2 per year
Grades: 12
Prerequisites: Automotive Technology I
Description: The second year General Service Technology program consists of continuing orientation to engine repair, automatic transmissions, manual drive, suspension and steering, brakes, electrical/electronic systems, heating and air conditioning and engine performance. Students must complete the Electrical/Electronic Systems standard to pass complete the course. Automotive General Service Technology is a preparatory program to enter college Automotive Technology.