Members of the Williston Coyotes boys and girls cross-country team were presented with their state championship rings during a half-time ceremony at Legends Field on Friday night. This event brought closure to the 2021 season where both boys and girls placed first at the 2021 NDHSAA Class A State Meet. “Winning one state championship is incredible. Winning two state championships, in the same sport, is incredibly rare,” stated Robert Conley, Williston Basin’s Athletic Director.
The Road to Rings
Robert Conley immediately knew that he wanted to do something special for these teams who had worked so hard to accomplish something so incredible. “Championship rings are something special,” said Conley. He continued, “It is a constant reminder of what is possible when a team works together, day in and day out.” He said that people started contacting him who wanted to help, and sending donations in order to purchase the rings. Without the generosity of Basin Kruzers, Dupree Oil Field Services, Stealth Energy Group, Stellar Field Service, Inc., Interstate Engineering, and Rebecca Wahlstrom, this would not have been possible. “The excitement that these groups had to help out our athletes was tremendous. We cannot thank them enough,” said Conley.
Once again, congratulations to the Boys and Girls Cross-Country teams on your State Championship! Go Coyotes!