NCAA Eligibility Info Sheet

NCAA bEligibility Center. One Opportunity. Limitless possibilities. If you want to play sports at an NCAA Division I or II  school. Start by registering for a certification account with the NCAA Eligibility center at If you want to play Division III sports or you aren't sure where you want to compete, start by creating a profile page account.  Academic Requirements. to play sports at a Division 1 or 2 school, you must graduate from high school, complete 16 NCAA-approved core courses, earn a minimum GPA and earn on SAT or ACT score that matches your core course GPA.

NCAA High School Timeline. 9th Grade. Start planning now! Take the right courses and earn the best grades possible. 10th grade. If you fall behind academically, ask your counselor for help finding approved courses you can take. 11th grade. Check with your counselor to make sure you are on track to complete the required number of NCAA approved courses and graduate on time with your class. 12th grade. Complete your final approved core courses as you prepare for graduation.