Our district Vision is to foster student growth and build trusting partnerships between students, staff, family and the community. An education at WBSD #7 will support our student’s intellectual, social, and emotional growth. We will provide students with an innovative curriculum supported by various co-curriculuar activities. The outcome of our efforts will empower students to make a difference in their community and world.
It is the belief of the district that all data needs to be shared with community stakeholders in a way to celebrate and support the work of our students and teachers.
The information below can also be found on our website under Menu>departments>educationoffice>curriculumandinstruction. Any questions can be directed to Dr. Victoria Arneson at victoria.arneson@willistonschools.org or by calling Dr. Arneson at 701-572-1580 ext 01103.
Assessments Administered:
K-2: Aims, iReady
3-8: Aims, iReady, NDSA
9-10: Stars 360, PreAct, NDSA
11-12: ACT