February's SEL Word of the Month is Acceptance. You are enough. "If you do something with acceptance and kindness, you can create a true friendship." Dustin Lance Black
about 2 years ago, WBSD7
Image of person standing in front of the sunset with text: Acceptance. You are enough. February. A WBSD7 SEL Initiative.
Today is the 100th Day of School! Only 72 more to go... but who's counting?
about 2 years ago, WBSD7
Drawing of chalkboard, erasers, WBSD7 logo with text: Happy 100th Day of School! February 1, 2023.
Student Council Rose Sales
about 2 years ago, WHS
Rose Sales
WHS Job Fair!!!
about 2 years ago, WHS
WHS  Job Fair
The Williston Basin School District and the Superintendent expect that all concerns be treated with respect. Parents/guardians are often discouraged when they attempt to communicate with central office administrators and school board members and are sent back to building-based officials in order to resolve a problem their child may be experiencing in school. To prevent that frustration, parents can become informed about the “chain of command,” or where to begin the communication sequence regarding their problem or concern. Many parent and community questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should first be addressed at whatever level the initial action was taken, with appeals moving on to the next level in the chain of command. The easiest way to communicate at the building level is via ParentSquare, email, or our Comments & Inquires Form; a phone call is the next preferable way. The easiest way to communicate for specific departments is our Comments and Inquiry form; an email or phone call is the next preferable way. Here at Williston Basin School District #7, we ask that you address any issues in the order as laid out in our Chain of Command process below. To review the page on the website please go to the District page – Menu - Chain of command. https://www.willistonschools.org/page/chain-of-command
about 2 years ago, Levi Sanford
Chain of Command
WHS is supporting Missouri Ridge this Friday by wearing green
about 2 years ago, WHS
Missouri Ridge
about 2 years ago, WHS
January's SEL Word is: Choice, Choice is the ultimate power. " We must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy." - Professor Dumbledore
about 2 years ago, Levi Sanford
January SEL
At Williston Basin School District #7, our Mission is to inspire and prepare students for the next level of education, work, and life. Are you, or someone you know, a graduate from Williston High School or Del Easton Alternative School? We want to highlight their journey after high school graduation and share their successes and experiences. Please scan the QR code or click the link to submit an alumni.
about 2 years ago, Levi Sanford
Alumni Spotlight
Due to the current and projected weather forecast and the road conditions, all WBSD7 buildings and offices will be closed for the rest of Thursday, 12/22/2022.
about 2 years ago, WBSD7
Orange shape on white background with WBSD7 log. Text: Winter Weather Update.
Reminder, there will be no school December 22-January 2 for Winter Break. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday break!
about 2 years ago, Levi Sanford
Winter Breaks
about 2 years ago, WHS
2022-Fall Semester Testing
about 2 years ago, WHS
Semester Testing
Close Up Bingo
about 2 years ago, WHS
Happy December!!! Dr. Germundson is ready for the holiday season :)
about 2 years ago, WHS
Williston High School (WHS) students have the unique opportunity to take the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course while a student at WHS. This is the only high school in North Dakota that offers this to students. Once they have completed the class and have done the hands-on skill test, they will be ready to take the National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT)certification exam. The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Health Science program has been offered to students for many years. Pat Axtman, the previous Health Science teacher had a vision of one day offering the EMT class. Patti Stewart joined the school in 2019 and the planning started. Patti is a registered nurse with emergency room experience. Collaboration began with the City of Williston Fire and Ambulance service and Corey Johnson to plan the future of this course. Captain Chris Mahoney currently co-teachers with Patti. Patti recently passed her NREMT exam. In order to teach a course like this, instructors have to be a licensed EMT/Paramedic.
about 2 years ago, WHS
December's SEL Word is: ASPIRE The meaning of ASPIRE is to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal (Mirriam-Webster). What have you accomplished this year?
about 2 years ago, WBSD7
Image of person reaching for stars. Text: December, Aspire. Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.
Fall Student Art Show
over 2 years ago, WHS
Fall Art Show
WHS Attendance Appeal If you received an Attendance Appeal Letter in your email, please check your students’ absences in PowerSchool. If they are over 10, please go to the link sent with the appeal letter and fill it out. All appeals must be turned in by December 19th.
over 2 years ago, WHS
Holiday Food Drive!
over 2 years ago, WHS
Food Drive