Social Studies

Social Studies Sample Path

The following samples are options/ideas for classes in the Social Studies Department (these are not necessarily requirements):

Sample 1:

9th: World History
10th: AP European History
11th: US History I/II
12th: POD + Law & Justice

Sample 2:

9th: World History
10th: Psychology
11th: AP US History + Global Studies
12th: Advanced POD

Sample 3:

9th: AP European History
10th: Sociology
11th: American Pageant and AP Psychology
12th: Advanced POD

Sample 4:

9th: World History
10th: Current Events
11th: U.S. History I/II + Holocaust
12th: POD


World History I


World History II   


Advanced Placement European History


United States History I & II         


United States History (Dual Credit)


Advanced Placement U.S. History 


American Pageant (Block English/History Class)


Problems of Democracy  


Advanced Problems of Democracy/Government  



Advanced Placement Human Geography  


Advanced Placement Psychology 


Current Events


Global Studies   


North Dakota Studies






The Holocaust: History & Memory (Dual Credit)


Law & Justice 


WSC - Introduction to Psychology


WSC - Introduction to Sociology  


NOTE: The Social Studies program of study includes developing skills as outlined by the ND State Standards and benchmarks. The minimum Social Studies credits to graduate from WHS  include 1 credit of World History (any combination of the 3 World History courses), 1 credit United States History, and 1 credit Problems of Democracy. *North Dakota state law requires all students to pass the US citizenship test to meet graduation requirements (taken during senior year in Problems of Democracy).

World History I                                                                                                       
½ credit
Grades: 9-10
Description:  World History I covers the history of early man from Prehistory and continues through the fall of the Roman Empire. In this class we will look at the social, psychological, and physical aspects of life in each culture along with the governments, religions, and military advancements that impacted each of these societies, drawing similarities among ancient cultures as well as connections to the modern world.

World History II                                                               
 ½ credit
Grades: 9-10                                        
Description:  World History II covers the history of medieval Christian Europe and continues to the period of nationalism and the spread of democracy. Throughout this course we will also analyze other cultures and major events from around the world during this era including: Renaissance and Reformation, Absolutism and Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution.

Advanced Placement European History
1 credit
Grades: 9-12
Description: AP European History is a year-long course designed to challenge students to broaden their understanding of how geography and culture shaped the early civilizations, along with the development of early governments, religions, and economies. The course will look at major themes throughout all of history, beginning with Prehistory and continuing to the Modern Age, including the World Wars and the Cold War.

United States History I                                                                                                    
 ½ credit
Grades: 11
Description: This US History course includes the events leading to the Civil War through the experiences of the Great Depression of the 1930s, with a review of events in early American History. Emphasis is on the domestic and foreign affairs in American History from 1840-1939 and our nation becoming a world power. Topics discussed include the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Western Frontier, Industrialization, Reform, Imperialism, WWI, Roaring 20s, and the Great Depression/New Deal.

United States History II                                                                                                   
½ credit
Grade: 11
Description:  This course covers US History from the events of World War II to the present time and traces America's role in world affairs. Emphasis is on the domestic and foreign affairs of our nation. Topics discussed include the World War II, post World War II America, the Cold War, Vietnam, and modern times.

United States History (Dual Credit)                                                                                                   
1 credit
Grade: 11
Description:  This year-long US Historycourse focuses upon our countries progress from 1877 to the present. Emphasizing the development of the US politically, socially, and economically, the course is structured with class discussion and projects to anchor each time period and how it links to current events. ** This course is eligible for 3 college credits through WSC.

Advanced Placement United States History                                                               
1 credit
Class Type: Alternative to US History I & II
Grade: 11
Pre-requisite: Acceptable GPA
Extra Costs: $95 AP Exam Fee (exam is optional)
Description:  AP US History will provide students a more in-depth study of history while trying to incorporate more independent research, small group discussion, and analysis. Testing will be more subjective attempting to reach a real understanding of history. The course will also prepare the student for the AP exam, which is optional.
**Competition of a summer portfolio covering the first 3 chapters is required.  AP US History will be a challenging and demanding course geared for the student who enjoys the study of history.

American Pageant
2 credits
Class Type: Alternative to US History I/II and English 11
Grade: 11
Description: American Pageant integrates the study of U.S. History and American Literature. This cross-curricular course focuses on reading, writing and critical thinking. Emphasizing collaboration, inquiry and multidisciplinary study, the course aims for an immersive, transformative experience. This year-long course meets for a double period and fulfills the junior year requirements for both English (American Literature) and Social Studies (U.S. History).

Problems of Democracy                                                                                                   
½ credit each semester
Grade: 12
Description: Problems of Democracy is a study that combines economics, history, and political science to give a general understanding of how government impacts our lives every day. Problems of Democracy is divided into units covering (1) the Constitution, (2) the Legislative, Executive and Judicial, both federal and state, (3) county and city governments, (4) taxation on the national, state and local level, and (5) economics.  The required citizenship exam will be administered as part of this course’s content.

Advanced Problems of Democracy/Advanced Placement Government                                  
½ credit each semester
Class Type: Alternative to Problems of Democracy
Grade: 12
Pre-requisite: Acceptable GPA
Extra Costs: $95 AP Exam fee (optional)
Description: Advanced Problems of Democracy is a challenging and demanding course that will provide students with an in-depth study of government and economics incorporating more independent research, small group discussion, and analysis. Current events are an important aspect of this class. The course will prepare students for the AP Government & Politics: United States exam, which is optional. The course will cover the following major content areas:  the constitution; political beliefs and behaviors; political parties; interest groups and mass media; institutions of national government: the Congress, the presidency, and the federal courts; public policy; civil rights and civil liberties; and economics. The required citizenship exam will be administered as part of his course’s content.
**A summer assignment covering the U.S. Constitution and current events is required. 

Advanced Placement Psychology                                                                                      
½ credit each semester
Grades: 10-12
Pre-requisite: Acceptable GPA (2.8 and higher)
Extra Costs: $95 AP Exam fee (optional)
Description: Advanced Placement Psychology is an extensive study of the human mind designed to provide students with an overview of major psychological issues including methods of research, mental illness and treatment, memory, intelligence, life-span development, personality and social psychology. The course will prepare students for the optional AP Exam which is worth 3 college credits.  Time is spent in group discussions, researching and writing, and preparing projects for class.

Advanced Placement Human Geography                                                                                                          
1 credit
Grades: 10-12
Human Geography provides students with an overview of world geography but may vary widely in the topics they cover. Topics typically include the physical environment; the political landscape; the relationship between people and the land; economic production and development; and the movement of people, goods, and ideas. 

Global Studies                                                                                                                 
½ credit
Grades: 10-12
Description: Global Studies is the multidisciplinary study of political, economic, social and cultural relationships of the world. Throughout the course, students will be required to discuss and debate information about current topics facing nations around the world, read non-fiction novels, study maps, watch films about various cultures, present to the class, and other miscellaneous activities dealing with various countries.

Law & Justice                                                                                                              
½ credit
Grades: 11-12
Description: Law & Justice is designed for those interested in a career in law, law enforcement, or legal issues.  The class begins with exploring the early history and philosophy of U.S. law, before delving into the interdependencies of Law Enforcement, the Court System, and the Correctional System.  The class plays host to numerous guest speakers, in addition to taking field trips (court, jail).  Discussion of adult issues and controversial topics will occur through several class debates regarding issues within the U.S. legal system.

North Dakota Studies                                                                                                       
½ credit
Grades: 10-12
Description: North Dakota Studies focuses on the geography, history, government, current issues, and citizenship of North Dakota. The class will include information about our state’s past, present and future with a possibility of projects, guest speakers, and field trips.


½ credit
Grades: 10-12
This course is 
NOT required for entrance into Advanced Placement Psychology
Description: Psychology, the scientific study of behavior, helps the student take a better look at his/her self and the unknown side of the human mind. The course will cover (1) the history of psychology, research, and social psychology, (2) how the brain works, abnormal psychology, treatment and therapy, and (3) sensation and perception, consciousness, and memory. Psychology includes group activities, research, and projects.

½ credit
Grades: 10-12
Description: Sociology is the study of group social behavior.  It assumes a group, rather than an individual, perspective. Sociologists look for patterns in social relationships. Individuals can benefit by using their social knowledge to evaluate events in their personal lives.

The Holocaust: History and Memory (Dual Credit)
½ credit
Grade: 10-12

Pre-requisite: Completed World History Credit
Description: While studying the events of World War II and the Holocaust, the students will closely examine antisemitism and racism, Nazism and genocide, collaboration and resistance, ghettos and concentration camps, and the memory of the Holocaust. The class includes a wide variety of materials including primary sources, memoirs, video testimonies, films, and art. **This course is eligible for 3 college credits through WSC.

WSC - Introduction to Psychology
½ credit (Dual Credit)
Grade: 12
Pre-requisite: Psychology
A survey of the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, with consideration of the nature and scope of psychology as a science and a profession. Course offered on Williston State Campus, it is the student's responsibility to locate information about course time and availability.

WSC - Introduction to Sociology
½ credit (Dual Credit)
Grade: 12
Pre-requisite: Sociology
Description: Introductory analysis of the nature of society, the interrelationships of its component groups, and the process whereby society persists and changes; interpretation of human behavior in groups. Course offered on Williston State Campus, it is the student's responsibility to locate information about course time and availability.