Three high school level math classes (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II are all examples) are required for acceptance into a 4-year college.
Sample Math Path:
Sample 1:
Algebra I
Basic Geometry
Applied math
Sample 2:
Algebra I
Algebra II
College Algebra OR College Alg. Year Long
Sample 3:
Algebra I (8th Grade) Honors Geometry
or Geometry
Honors Alg. II or Alg. II
College Alg. +Trigonometry or Prob. & Stats
Calculus I &/or II, III
Pre-Algebra | 9-12 |
Algebra I | 9-12 |
Geometry | 9-12 |
Algebra II | 10-12 |
Financial Algebra | 11-12 |
Probability & Statistics (Dual Credit) | 11-12 |
College Algebra (Dual Credit) | 11-12 |
Trigonometry (Dual Credit) | 11-12 |
Calculus I, II, & III (Dual Credit @ WSC) | 12 |
College Algebra Year Long (Dual Credit) | 12 |
NOTE: Teacher recommendation for Honors Algebra II and Dual Credit Courses includes, but is not limited to: ACT scores, MAP scores, grades, attendance, and attitude. In order to take courses for dual credit, you must earn a score of 21 on the math portion of the ACT (if you do not have a score or meet that requirement, please visit with a school counselor or math teacher). For dual credit courses, there may be a college application fee of $35 (only to be paid once), cost per credit, and book fees. A graphing calculator is recommended for most math classes.
1 credit
Grades: 9-12
Description: Math Foundations class will focus on the study of pre-algebra skills, from basic mathematical functions to level 1 algebra skills. This class is available to students who are teacher recommended or by placement testing. This class is taught classically from a book, and is also available online through the ALEKS program. Students who do well in this class will be adequately prepared to take on Algebra.
Algebra I
1 credit
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite: Strong math background
Extra Costs: Scientific Calculator ($15)
Description: This course reviews the four basic operations and how they apply to fractions, positive real numbers, negative real numbers, and variables. Also included in the course are units pertaining to solving equations, graphing equations, word problems, inequalities, exponential equations, polynomials, radicals, quadratics, and rational expressions. The concepts of special products and factoring are also introduced. The philosophy of this course is to provide a solid foundation in algebra while constantly reviewing ideas.
Geometry I
1 credit
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Extra Costs: Construction Tools ($2) & Graphic Calculator ($99)
Description: Geometry is the study of one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional figures including points, lines, planes, angels, polygons, circles, and polyhedrons. This study is done in four main categories: (1) precise definitions of the figures, (2) constructions of the figures, (3) study of the properties of the figures, and (4) study of deductive reasoning and critical thinking to prove these facts and to solve real problems.
Algebra II
1 credit
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and Geometry
Extra Costs: Graphing Calculator ($100-200)
Description: Algebra II is an intermediate algebra course. Topics from Algebra and Geometry will be reviewed and expanded upon. Additional topics will include sequences, variations, matrices, quadratics, complex numbers, functions, fractional exponents, logarithms, some trigonometry, polynomials, conic sections, series combinations, and statistics.
Probability & Statistics
½ credit
Grades: 10-12
Prerequisite: Algebra II or if currently enrolled in Algebra II 2nd semester only, EdReady score of ≥ 75 or math ACT score of ≥ 21 required for Dual Credit
Extra Costs: Graphic Calculator (required)
Description: This course is an advanced mathematics course. This course includes a study of methods used to determine the probability that an event will happen and methods for handling and analyzing statistical data. This course is intended for students interested in fields such as mathematics, science, engineering, business, education, psychology, sociology, and medicine.
Financial Algebra I
½ credit
Grades: 11-12
Description: This class is designed to help high school students develop and refine job-related math skills. Topics of discussion include problem solving techniques, algebra, geometry, data handling, statistics, trade and cash discounts, payroll, simple and compound interest. Emphasis is on the ability to apply functional mathematics to solve problems in the world of work.
College Algebra
1/2 credit
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Algebra II, strong math background, EdReady score of ≥ 75 or ACT score of ≥ 21 required for Dual Credit
Extra Costs: Graphic Calculator
Description: This course is an advanced mathematics course. Emphasis will be placed on the study of relations and functions which includes equations and inequalities; complex numbers; polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations; matrices and determinants; sequences and summation.
½ credit
Grades: 11-12
Prerequisite: College Algebra, EdReady score of ≥ 75 or ACT score of ≥ 21 required for Dual Credit
Extra Costs: Graphic Calculator
Description: This course is an advanced mathematics course. The study of trigonometry includes an introduction to angle measure, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities and equations, polar coordinates, and applications. If time permits a study of conic sections will be included.
Calculus I, II, III
½ credit each
Grades: 12
Prerequisite: C or better in College Algebra and Trigonometry, ACT score of ≥ 24 required for Dual Credit
Extra Costs: Graphic Calculator (required)
● Calculus I: Limits, continuity, differentiation, Mean Value Theorem, integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus I and II, introduction to differential equations, and applications. ***Offered at WHS
● Calculus II: Applications and Techniques of integration, polar equations, parametric equations, sequences and series, power series, and applications. ***Offered at WSC
● Calculus III: Multivariate and vector calculus including partial derivatives, multiple integration, applications, line and surface integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem, Divergence Theorem. ***Offered at WSC
College Algebra Year-Long
1 credit
Grades: 12
Prerequisite: Algebra II, strong math background, ACT score of ≥21 required for Dual credit or take EdReady (ask math teacher for more details)
Description: This course is an advanced mathematics course focused on concepts of College Algebra, but allows for learning during two semesters of the same school year instead of one semester. Emphasis will be placed on the study of relations and functions which includes equations and inequalities; complex numbers; polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations; matrices and determinants; sequences and summation. **Dual credit is applied to the second semester of this course.
College Learning Math Lab (CREAM)
1 credit
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II
Extra Costs: Graphic Calculator (required)
Description: College Learning Lab-Math focuses on preparing the student for collegiate studies, specifically to mathematics. The course will refresh students regarding equations, number systems, algebra, geometry, ratio, and analytical reasoning. Upon completion of this course, students are able to take College Algebra from a North Dakota college/university without having to take pre-College Algebra courses.
NOTE: This course code is designed to be used exclusively with the Pearson MyFoundationsLab platform through the CREAM program.