General Education




Coyote Institute 


Career Seminar 


Intro to Teaching


Student Paraprofessional 


½ credit/year = 2 credits total over 4 years
Grade: 9-12
Description: This course is designed to address the challenges that students experience in high school so they can succeed in the classroom as well as the workplace. Topics may include, but not limited to, academic planning, career planning, addressing social issues, and teambuilding activities from time to time.

Coyote Institute
½ credit
Grade: 11-12
Description: Coyote Institute is a chance for students to explore their own interests and passions. Students apply with a project in mind and learn to plan, research, and develop the project.

Career Seminar
2 credit
Grade: 11-12
Description: Provides students with a regularly scheduled, supervised employment opportunity related to the teacher-of –record’s (TOR) major/minor in order to develop and improve work skills. The employment must be preceded by, or concurrent with, classroom instruction related to the work experience, consistent with the student’s occupational goals, and related to the TOR major/minor.
NOTE: Students must be at least 16 years old and may be paid a wage by the employer. 

Career Seminar - CTE Business
4 credit
Grade: 11-12
Description: Provides students with a regularly scheduled, supervised employment opportunity related to the teacher-of –record’s (TOR) major/minor in order to develop and improve work skills. The employment must be preceded by, or concurrent with, classroom instruction related to the work experience, consistent with the student’s occupational goals, and related to the TOR major/minor.
NOTE: Students must be at least 16 years old and may be paid a wage by the employer.

Career Seminar - CTE
4 credit
Grade: 11-12
Description: Provides students with a regularly scheduled, supervised employment opportunity related to the teacher-of –record’s (TOR) major/minor in order to develop and improve work skills. The employment must be preceded by, or concurrent with, classroom instruction related to the work experience, consistent with the student’s occupational goals, and related to the TOR major/minor.
NOTE: Students must be at least 16 years old and may be paid a wage by the employer.

Introduction to Teaching
½ credit
Grade: 11-12
Description: Teaching Profession courses introduce students to the principles teaching and learning, the responsibilities and duties of teachers, and teaching techniques. This course will expose students to and train them in classroom management, student behavior, leadership and human relations skills, assessment of student progress, teaching strategies, and various career opportunities in the field of education. 
**Students who complete semester 1 are allowed to earn credit as a student paraprofessional second semester. See Mrs. Jeannotte for details.

Student Paraprofessional
½-1 credit
Grade: 11-12
Prerequisite: Introduction to Teaching

Student Paraprofessional is designed to offer students the opportunity to assist instructors in preparing, organizing, and teaching or help teachers fulfill their duties. Students may provide tutorial or instructional assistance to other students. Upon completion of this course, students can take the national ParaPro exam to earn a Paraprofessional certificate.