Eight Grade Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassador from left to right: Kaytilane Isom, Macey Crosland, Cambree Moss, Avy Ator, Cooper Ames, Tyler Brusnell, Beckam Tolman

ASB Innovation Academy was asked to present current concepts and ideas at this year’s NDCEL Innovation Academy training. Because the school is student-centered, the eighth-grade Ambassadors presented on behalf of the school. The group of students profoundly impacted ND educators, delivering their perceptions and experiences. 

Their presentation spoke about student voice, academics, achievement, relevance to real-world application, trust, and relationships amung students, staff, community, and family. 

The North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders conducts an Innovation Academy training each school year, consisting of a seven-day curriculum focused on four “Big Shifts.” 

A team of teachers from ASB Innovation Academy attended this training in the 2021-2022 school year, where they developed a “Moon Shot.” “Every learner at ASB Innovation Academy will utilize the design thinking process through a three-year progression where they will plan, create, and apply their solution to a local real-world problem.”

The Innovation Academy is in phase one of implementation. This includes a year-long focus on understanding the stages of this process, with the theme focusing on how to make an impact in the Williston community. 

We are incredibly proud of our students for representing our school and community. 

Click hereto view their presentation and here to view other presentations from the Academy.